
Over-the-Counter Medications

Navigating the World of Over-the-Counter Medications Singapore

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications have become a staple in our medicine cabinets, providing relief for a variety of symptoms without the need for a prescription. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to navigate the world of OTC medications.

From understanding the active ingredients, to considering potential side effects, there is a lot to consider. But with a little knowledge and some careful consideration, you can make informed decisions about which OTC medications are right for you.

But before you go ahead and reach for that bottle of pills, did you know that certain OTC medications can cause dependence and other negative side effects if taken for longer periods of time? Keep reading to find out more and make the best decision for your health.

5 Things To Consider before buying OTC Medications

Navigating the world of over-the-counter (OTC) medications can be overwhelming, as there are countless options available for treating a wide range of symptoms. However, it's important to consider a few key factors before deciding which medication to use.

Label and ingredients

First and foremost, it's important to read the label and ingredient list of any medication you're considering.

Make sure you understand what active ingredients are in the medication, as well as any inactive ingredients that may cause an allergic reaction or interact with other medications you're taking.


Next, consider the symptoms you're experiencing and the type of medication that would be most effective for treating those symptoms.

Abbott Brufen 20mg/ml Ibuprofen Oral Suspension

For example, if you're experiencing pain, you may want to consider an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. If you're experiencing congestion, an over-the-counter decongestant may be more appropriate.

Side Effects

It's also important to be mindful of any potential side effects of the medication you're considering. Many over-the-counter medications can cause drowsiness, so it's important to be aware of this if you'll be driving or operating heavy machinery.

Additionally, some medications may interact with other medications you're taking, so it's important to talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you have any concerns.

Recommended dosage

When taking over-the-counter medication, it is also important to be mindful of the recommended dosage and duration of use.

Many OTC medications are intended for short-term use, and taking them for longer periods of time can lead to dependence and other negative side effects.

Seek A Professional

Lastly, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional if you're unsure about which medication to take or if you have any other concerns.

They can provide guidance and advice based on your unique health needs and history.

In summary, it's important to consider the active ingredients, the symptoms, the potential side effects and the duration of use before deciding which over-the-counter medication to take, and also to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

Do Multivitamins Break A Fast Singapore

Fasting has become increasingly popular as a way to improve health and wellbeing, but it can be challenging to ensure adequate nutrient intake while abstaining from food.

Many people turn to multivitamins as a way to supplement their diet during a fast. But do multivitamins break a fast in Singapore? The answer is not as simple as a yes or no.

Multivitamins typically contain small amounts of calories, but the real question is whether consuming these small amounts of calories during a fast negates its benefits.

As you read on, you'll discover alternative ways of getting the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs during a fast, such as nutrient-dense foods, herbal teas and broths. What if you could get all the benefits of fasting without breaking it at all? could this be possible? Keep reading to find out.

What are multivitamins?

Nutroplex Liquid Multivitamins & Minerals 120ml

Multivitamins are dietary supplements that contain a combination of essential vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are vital for maintaining good health and preventing deficiencies.

The most common types of vitamins found in multivitamins include vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and the B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folate). Minerals commonly found in multivitamins include iron, zinc, iodine, chromium, and selenium.

Multivitamins are formulated to provide the body with the recommended daily amount (RDA) or adequate intake (AI) of these essential vitamins and minerals.

The RDA or AI values are established by health authorities such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) and are intended to meet the needs of most individuals in a given population.

Multivitamins are available in different forms, such as tablets, capsules, liquids, gummies, and powders. They can be taken daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on the product. They are designed for different age groups and for specific health concerns, such as pregnancy, menopause, and weight loss.

It is important to note that multivitamins are not a substitute for a healthy diet, but rather an addition to it. A balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can provide the necessary vitamins and minerals for the body.

However, for individuals who have difficulty obtaining sufficient amounts of essential vitamins and minerals from their diet, multivitamins can provide a convenient and efficient way to meet their nutritional needs.

Does taking multivitamins break a fast?

The question of whether taking multivitamins breaks a fast is a complex one, as it depends on the type of fasting and the specific multivitamin being consumed.

Intermittent fasting, which involves alternating periods of eating and not eating, is often used for weight loss and improved health.

During the fasting period, the goal is to consume minimal calories. Some experts suggest that consuming small amounts of calories in the form of multivitamins or other supplements is unlikely to significantly impact the benefits of intermittent fasting.[Source]

However, other types of fasting, such as religious fasting or therapeutic fasting, may have stricter guidelines on calorie consumption. In these cases, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional or fasting expert to determine whether taking multivitamins would be appropriate and what dosage would be recommended.

It is also important to consider the specific multivitamin being consumed. Some multivitamins may contain added ingredients such as caffeine or other stimulants that could impact the fast. Additionally, some multivitamins may contain added calories that would break a fast.

In general, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional before making any decisions about taking supplements while fasting. They can help to determine the most appropriate course of action based on the type of fasting and the individual's health status.

It is worth noting that there are alternative ways of getting the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs during a fast, such as nutrient-dense foods, herbal teas and broths. These options are generally considered less likely to break a fast, but again, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional to determine what's best for you.

6 Factors to consider when taking multivitamins during a fast

When considering taking multivitamins during a fast, there are several factors to keep in mind:

Individual differences in fasting tolerance

Each person's body reacts differently to fasting, and what works for one person may not work for another. It's important to understand your own body's tolerance and to listen to how you feel during a fast. Some people may find that taking multivitamins during a fast doesn't affect them, while others may find that it makes them feel unwell.

Interactions with medications

If you are taking any medications, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that taking multivitamins during a fast won't interact with those medications.

Type of fasting

Different types of fasting may have different guidelines for what is considered "breaking a fast." For example, intermittent fasting typically allows for small amounts of calories, while religious or therapeutic fasting may be more restrictive.

It's important to understand the guidelines of the type of fasting you're doing to know whether taking multivitamins would be appropriate.

Nutrient deficiencies

Fasting can increase the risk of nutrient deficiencies, especially if the fast is prolonged. Multivitamins can help to prevent deficiencies caused by the lack of food intake, particularly in those who have difficulty obtaining sufficient amounts of essential vitamins and minerals from their diet.

Quality and composition of multivitamins

Not all multivitamins are created equal, and some may contain added ingredients or calories that would break a fast. It's important to read the label and choose a high-quality, pure multivitamin supplement.

Consult with healthcare professional

It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before making any decisions about taking supplements while fasting. They can help to determine the most appropriate course of action based on the type of fasting and the individual's health status.

7 benefits of consuming nutrient-dense foods during a fast

Consuming nutrient-dense foods during a fast can provide numerous benefits for overall health and wellbeing. These foods are high in essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that support the body's functions and can help to prevent deficiencies.

Provides energy

Nutrient-dense foods provide energy to the body, which is especially important during a fast when calorie intake is restricted. This can help to reduce feelings of fatigue and improve overall energy levels.

Supports immune system

Foods high in vitamins and minerals, such as leafy greens and berries, support the immune system, helping to fight off infections and illnesses.

Promotes healthy digestion

Consuming nutrient-dense foods can help to promote healthy digestion by providing the body with the necessary fibers, vitamins, and minerals.

Promotes healthy skin

Nutrient-dense foods are high in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, which can help to promote healthy skin, reduce inflammation, and improve skin elasticity.

Improves mental health

Nutrient-dense foods that are high in vitamins and minerals, such as fatty fish, can help to improve mental health and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Reduces risk of chronic diseases

Consuming a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods can help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Provides satiety

Nutrient-dense foods are often high in fiber and protein, which can provide satiety and help to reduce feelings of hunger during a fast.

It is worth noting that consuming nutrient-dense foods during a fast can be beneficial but it is still important to consult with a healthcare professional before making any decisions about taking supplements while fasting.

They can help to determine the most appropriate course of action based on the type of fasting and the individual's health status.

5 Potential risks of relying solely on multivitamins during a fast

While taking multivitamins during a fast can be beneficial for preventing nutrient deficiencies, there are also potential risks to relying solely on them.

Inadequate nutrient intake

Multivitamins are not a substitute for a healthy diet, and relying solely on them during a fast may result in an inadequate intake of essential nutrients.

A balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can provide the necessary vitamins and minerals for the body.


Taking too many multivitamins can lead to an overdose of certain vitamins and minerals, which can be harmful to the body. It's important to follow the recommended dosage on the label or as advised by a healthcare professional.

Interactions with medications

Some multivitamins may interact with medications that you are taking, so it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before taking them.

Quality and composition

Not all multivitamins are created equal, and some may contain added ingredients or calories that would break a fast. It's important to read the label and choose a high-quality, pure multivitamin supplement.

Lack of whole food benefits

Multivitamins, even if they contain all the essential vitamins and minerals, lack the benefits of whole food such as phytochemicals, dietary fibers, and other bioactive compounds which have a beneficial impact on overall health.

It is important to remember that multivitamins should be used as a supplement, not a replacement for a healthy diet. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate course of action and how to balance the use of multivitamins with nutrient-dense foods during a fast.

Does Acne Go Away After Puberty Singapore

Acne is a common skin condition that affects many people, especially during puberty. In Singapore, it is estimated that about 80% of adolescents experience some form of acne. This can be a source of frustration and insecurity for many young people, as well as their parents.

So, does acne go away after puberty? The short answer is that it can, but it doesn't always. The hormonal changes that cause acne during puberty often begin to level out after adolescence, which can lead to an improvement in symptoms.

However, for some people, acne may persist well into adulthood. This can be due to a variety of factors, including genetics and ongoing hormonal fluctuations.

In this blog post, we'll discuss what causes acne, whether it goes away after puberty, and what can be done to manage it.

What Causes Acne?

Acne is caused by the overproduction of oil in the skin, which can clog pores and lead to the growth of bacteria.

Hormonal changes that occur during puberty can trigger this process, leading to the development of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.[Source]

Factors such as genetics, diet, and stress can also contribute to the development of acne. In Singapore, the humid climate and pollution can also play a role in exacerbating acne symptoms.

3 Things Can You Do Today!

Managing acne during and after puberty can be challenging, but there are several things that can be done to improve symptoms.

Establish a good skincare routine: This should include cleansing the skin gently but thoroughly, using a moisturizer that is appropriate for acne-prone skin, and applying sunscreen daily. It is also important to avoid picking or squeezing pimples, as this can lead to scarring and further breakouts.

Avoid Certain Foods: Another important aspect of managing acne is to avoid foods that are known to trigger breakouts. These include foods that are high in sugar, dairy, and saturated fats. Stress can also exacerbate acne, so it is important to find ways to manage stress, such as through exercise, meditation, or therapy.

Seek professional help: If acne persists despite these efforts, it may be necessary to seek professional help. There are a variety of treatment options available, including topical medications, oral antibiotics, and isotretinoin. A dermatologist can help determine which treatment is best for you.

In conclusion, acne is a common skin condition that affects many people during puberty, especially in Singapore.

While it may improve after puberty, it can also persist into adulthood. Establishing a good skincare routine, avoiding triggers, and seeking professional help when necessary can help manage symptoms. If you or your child is struggling with acne, don't hesitate to seek help from a dermatologist.

With the right approach, it is possible to achieve clearer, healthier skin.

How to Outsmart Rising Prices

How to Outsmart Rising Prices: 7 Useful Tips for Individuals

Inflation can be a major concern for individuals, as it can erode the value of their savings and make it harder to afford the things they need.

According to the Singapore Central Bank, in 2023, taking into account all factors including the upcoming GST increase, core inflation should be around 3.5–4.5% on average over the year, and CPI-All Items inflation at between 5.5 - 6.5%.

The great news is that there are steps that individuals can take to protect themselves against rising prices and maintain their purchasing power.

In this article, we'll explore five strategies that individuals can use to outsmart inflation and keep their money safe.

From diversifying investments to shopping around for the best prices, these tips can help you stay ahead of rising costs and safeguard your wealth. By being proactive and taking control of your financial situation, you can minimize the impact of inflation and maintain your financial stability.

1.Diversify Investments

As mentioned above, diversifying investments can help to protect your wealth against the erosion of value caused by inflation.

This can be achieved by adding assets like stocks, real estate to a portfolio or owning cash generating businesses, in addition to cash and fixed-income investments.

2. Use inflation-protected savings vehicles

Some savings vehicles, like Singapore Government Securities (SGS) bonds pay a fixed rate of interest and have maturities ranging from 2 to 50 years. While Treasury bills (T-bills) are short-term Singapore Government Securities (SGS) issued at a discount to their face value.

They both offer protection against inflation and is yielding between 3% to 4%. These investments provide a fixed rate of return that will help you to hedge against inflation, so the value of the investment increases along with the cost of living.

3. Shop around for the best prices

Individuals can reduce the impact of inflation by being strategic about their spending. This can involve shopping around for the best prices on goods and services, negotiating for discounts, and looking for sales and coupons.

You can also consider doing bulk purchases for household items for big families to enjoy economies of scale.

4.Increase income

One way to offset the impact of rising prices is to increase one's income.

This can be achieved through things like negotiating for a raise, taking on additional work or starting a side hustle, or investing in education and training to increase productivity which in turn improve your job prospects and earning potential.

5.Cut expenses

Another way to offset the impact of rising prices is to reduce expenses. This can involve things like cutting back on non-essential spending, reducing debt, and finding ways to save on bills and expenses.

6. Cook at home

As inflation is eroding your purchasing power, it can greatly increase your expenses when eating out especially for families with kids. Why not pick up a new skill and learn to cook at home?

You can easily learn from a lot of gurus in YouTube and cook some delicious simple meals in 30 minutes and will not break the bank.

7. Buy 2nd hand Items

If you are not anal about using 2nd hand goods, it is a good way to reduce expenses and you also help to reduce waste on earth which is a win win situation.

Before buying something, head over to carousel to see if you can find 2nd hand goods. If you are lucky, sometimes the condition is close to brand new too.

Best Lozenges For Sore Throat Singapore

7 Best Lozenges For Sore Throat Singapore

Having a sore throat nowadays have become complicated after 2020 due to the coronavirus virus. You are unsure whether your dry and scratchy throat is caused by a normal cold or is caused by COVID.

Nevertheless, the best lozenges for sore throat should be able to reduce pain and inflammation in the body and help you feel comfortable until the viral infection or bacterial infection passes.

You can also consider sore throat spray and use them together with lozenges for the best effect. Here are some of the best lozenges for sore throat you can find in medic drugstore.

7 Best Medicine For Sore Throat Singapore

Difflam Anti inflammatory And Anti bacterial Lozenges- Raspberry Flavour 16S

Difflam Anti inflammatory And Anti bacterial Lozenges- Raspberry Flavour 16S

Difflam lozenges provide fast relief of a sore throat by reducing inflammation, a cause of sore throat pain. It has an anti-bacterial action to help kill bacteria which can cause throat and mouth infections.

Use these lozenges for fast relief from the symptoms of Sore Throat. Pharyngitis. Tonsillitis. Mouth Ulcers. Swelling, redness and inflammatory conditions. It is sugar free, Lactose free and Gluten free.

Euphon Menthol Lozenges 70s

Euphon Menthol Lozenges 70s

Euphon Menthol Lozenges 70s helps to relieve hoarseness of the voice and loss of voice due to colds. Relieves functional voice disorders in singing and speaking.

Indications: Hoarseness, aphonia; Functional voice disorders of the speaking or singing voice; Laryngitis due to colds, inflammation or infection; Coughing spells.

Dosage and administration: Allow to dissolve in the mouth. Adults: 10 to 12 lozenges daily. Children: 5 to 6 lozenges daily. Not to be administered to children under 30 months of age.

Sambucol Throat Lozenges 20

Sambucol Throat Lozenges 20

Sambucol Throat Lozenges with honey combine health promoting and antioxidant rich Black elderberries, Vitamin C & Zinc to help soothe the throat, support the immune system and general health and wellbeing.

Soothe that sore throat with a great tasting lozenge today!!

NZ Health Naturally Manuka Honey UMF10+ Lozenges for Kids(strawberry)

NZ Health Naturally Manuka Honey UMF10+ Lozenges for Kids(strawberry)

The combination of UMF Manuka honey 10+, natural strawberry flavour and propolis in these lozenges may help to sooth your irritating sore throats.

For kids over 2 years of age, it contains UMF Manuka Honey 10+ (9-percent) and Propolis (4mg). Natural Strawberry flavouring and Red colouring.

Serving Directions: Slowly dissolve one lozenge in the mouth and repeat up to 5 times per day as required. Do not exceed daily intake.

LEFTOSE Lozenges Honey Lemon Flavour 16s

LEFTOSE Lozenges Honey Lemon Flavour 16s

Leftose Lozenges are great tasting, have high potency, are double action and sugar-free.

Relieves both sore throat and dissolves phlegm. Each tablet contains Lyzomax, which is derived from egg white and may not be suitable for those with egg allergies.

Golden Throat Herbal Lozenges 12s

Golden Throat Herbal Lozenges 12s

Made with fruits and herbs, Golden Throat Herbal Lozenges sooths sore and swollen throat, minor irritation, hoarse voice, halitosis, acute laryngitis and acute pharyngitis.

It temporarily relieves sore throat and coughs due to colds or inhaled irritants.

Isla Cassis Lozenges 30S

Isla Cassis Lozenges 30S

Isla Cassis Lozenges 30S are sugar free herbal lozenges that contains 80mg Iceland Moss Extract. It helps to relieves tickly throat and hoarseness.

Suitable for singers, teachers and speakers whose vocal cords are constantly under stress.

Best Pain Relief Patch For Back Pain

11 Best Pain Relief Patch For Back Pain Singapore

Do you suffer from constant back pain? There can be many reasons that can cause back pain to happen including prolonged bad posture, past injuries, age and even smoking.

The best pain relief patch for back pain should be able to help you relieve pain to your back muscle or ligament.

Here are some of the best pain relief patch for back pain you can find in Medic Drugstore.

Koli Muscle Injury (Super Power) Pain Relief Plaster 5S

Koli Muscle Injury (Super Power) Pain Relief Plaster 5S

One of the newest players in the market, Koli Muscle Injury (Super Power) Pain Relief Plaster 5S is one of their strongest power pain relief plaster that is able to relieve your back pain instantly.

Unlike other pain relief plaster on the market, it does not have a strong smell and the cotton surface makes it more comfortable during application.

It is also able to eliminate bruises and soothe sprains by dispelling cold in muscle, promoting blood circulation, and eliminating swelling and muscle inflammation.

Suitable for: Everyone and people with muscle-related inflammation. Except pregnant or nursing women and children under 12 years of age.

KefenTech Air Ketoprofen 30mg 8 Patches

KefenTech Air Ketoprofen 30mg 8 Patches

Ketoprofen is a medicine that is used to relieve pain and swelling. KefenTech plaster is designed to deliver through the skin to the target area, providing relief for arthritis, tennis elbow, muscle ache, sports, and exercise related injuries such as sprains, strains, and bruises.

Directions: Remove film-coated thin paper backing from the lint fabric, then apply lint fabric to the affected part twice daily.

Salonpas 30 Patch (Painless Removal) - 20 Sheets

Salonpas 30 Patch (Painless Removal) - 20 Sheets

If you have sensitive skin, you can consider the Salonpas 30 Patch (Painless Removal) which is gentle on skin and does not have a strong smell.

It is effective for relief of aches, pains and inflammations associated with: simple backache, muscle fatigue, muscle pain, stiff shoulder, bruises, sprains, strains, arthritis, bone fracture, minor frostbite.

Nichiban Roihi Tsuboko Cool Plaster 156S

Nichiban Roihi Tsuboko Cool Plaster 156S

Nichiban Roihi Tsuboko Cool Plaster 156S is effective in affected areas with the analgesic effects of Methyl Salicylate, 1-menthol and other agents to provide pain relief for your back pain. The package contains 156 plaster patches, 2.8cm in diameter, and 1 storage bag.

Apply it to the affected area several times per day (stiff shoulders, lower back pain, bruise, sprain, joint pain, muscle pain and muscle fatigue)

Before using the plaster, please consult your doctor or pharmacist if you have the following conditions:
1) If you or your family members have allergies
2) Previous allergic reactions to medicines (e.g. breaking out in rash or redness, itchiness, irritation, etc.)

Salonpas Pain Relieving Gel Patch Hot 6s

Salonpas Pain Relieving Gel Patch Hot 6s

If you are looking for a hot pain relieving gel patch, you can consider getting the Salonpas Pain Relieving Gel Patch Hot 6s.

6 patches for relief of aches and pains on the back, neck, shoulders, knees and elbows associated with backache, arthritis, strains, bruises and sprains.

It is stretchable and you can easily apply to affect area with the centre cut film.

Do note that it is only for external use. Do not use on wounds or damaged skin and if allergic to ingredients of product.

Nichiban Roihi Tsuboko Plaster 156S

Nichiban Roihi Tsuboko Plaster 156S

Roihi-Tsuboko combines the heat-stimulating properties of Nonivamide to promote blood circulation in affected areas with the analgesic effects of Methyl salicylate, 1-menthol and other agents to provide pain relief. The package contains 156 plaster patches, each 2.8cm in diameter, and one storage bag.

Besides it being effective for your back pain, you can apply to other affected area (Stiff shoulders, bruise, sprain, joint pain, muscle pain and muscle fatigue)

Before using the plaster, please consult your doctor or pharmacist if you have the following conditions:
1) If you or your family members have allergies
2) Previous allergic reactions to medicines (e.g. breaking out in rash or redness, itchiness, irritation, etc.)

Koli Classic (Strong Power) Pain Relief Plaster 5S

Koli Classic (Strong Power) Pain Relief Plaster 5S

Koli Classic (Strong Power) Pain Relief Plaster 5S is another classic pain relief plaster from Koli that works best for back aching muscles and hangover aches.

It is less powerful than the orange version but is suitable for people that do not like super strong medicated plasters.

Clean and dry area of application. Peel off the protective film and apply the plaster to the affected area once a day. Do not apply plaster on open wound or pus formation.

Panaflex Pain Relief Patches 4S

Panaflex Pain Relief Patches 4S

Panaflex Patch is a pain relief adhesive patch with fast* absorbing hydrogel technology that penetrates into the affected area to soothe muscle and joint pain.

Panaflex, combined with menthol properties, is water based, low allergy, and gentle on skin. It is stretchable, breathable, easy to peel, and has a soothing minty fragrance.

Tiger Balm Back Pain Patch 2s (10Cm X 14Cm)

Tiger Balm Back Pain Patch 2s (10Cm X 14Cm)

Tiger Balm Back Pain Patch offers pain relief for back pain by combining the healing properties of Tiger Balm's plaster with hydrogel innovation.

Tiger Balm Back Pain Patch is customized to deliver long-lasting pain relief for back pain in a highly stretchable format that fits the contours of the back.

Using ventilated material, Tiger Balm Back Pain Patch is also comfortable to wear.

Kplass Pain Relief Patch 6s

Kplass Pain Relief Patch 6s

KPLASS Pain Relief patch combines traditional Chinese medicine external treatment and meridian conduction theory with modern far-infrared light technology and moderate magnetic effect for pain relief.

The far-infrared ceramic powder in this product has a long wavelength of far-infrared radiation after light-to-heat conversion, with relatively low energy and strong penetrating power.

By applying it to the specific acupoint, the skin receives far-infrared thermal energy, which produces a warming effect and can activate cellular tissues, increase local blood flow, improve blood circulation, and improve the body's metabolic function, so as to relieve symptoms associated with stiff neck, sore shoulder, joint pain, backache, etc.

Tiger Balm Plaster-Rd Warm Large 3s 10Cm X 14Cm

Tiger Balm Plaster-Rd Warm Large 3s 10Cm X 14Cm

One of the best stiff neck remedies, the warm pain relief patch is comfortable to wear, provides long-lasting relief, and is developed with Tiger Balm's distinctive formulation.

Tiger Balm Plaster (Warm) is a unique preparation that provides long-lasting, soothing warm relief for backaches. sore muscles and stiff neck.

It is comfortable to wear and the large (10cm x 14cm) patch is perfect for the back and shoulder blades.

Best Cough Syrup For Adults Singapore

9 Best Cough Syrup For Adults Singapore

Whether you are having a wet cough or dry cough, it is always handy to have a cough syrup on hand at home or office to help relieve the irritation of your throat.

Regardless of whether it is a mild, intermittent cough or a more severe persistent cough that lasts throughout the day, the characteristics of a cough do not indicate whether it is due to a viral or bacterial infection according to Dr Tan Teck Shi, head of SingHealth Polyclinics’ Respiratory Workgroup.

It is best to stick to the same medication that works for your cough. If not, here are some popular cough syrup you can find in Medic Drugstore.

9 Best Cough Syrup For Dry Cough In Singapore

Woods Peppermint Cough Syrup Adult 50Ml

Woods Peppermint Cough Syrup Adult 50Ml

Woods Peppermint Cough Syrup contain the active ingredient of Guaiphenesin, an expectorant which act against thick, gooey mucus by thinning and breaking down the phlegm structure that clings to your air passage walls.

The product relieves coughing, soothes sore throat, loosens phlegm and expels mucus. Directions for use: For adult and children above 12 years: 10 ml (2 teaspoonful). For children 6-12 years: 5ml (1 teaspoonful). To be taken every 4 hours or use as directed by your doctor.

Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa 75ml

Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa 75ml

Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa is a Chinese herbal remedy renowned worldwide to relieve cough, reduce phlegm, soothe sore throat and restore voice loss.

Made from 15 natural herbs in Hong Kong under international GMP quality standards, it contains chuan pei to dissolve phlegm and relieve cough, and pi pa ye (loquat leaf) to clear body of heatiness and suppress cough.

It can be taken daily. Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa originated more than a century ago during the Qing dynasty. Available in more than 20 countries including the USA, it has been trusted by generations and continues to be a top brand because of its effectiveness and pleasant taste.

Also available in Convenient Pack of 10 liquid sachets for travel or daily convenience and No-Sugar Formula.

DURO-TUSS Herbal Chesty Cough Liquid 100ml

DURO-TUSS Herbal Chesty Cough Liquid 100ml

Introducing DURO-TUSS Herbal Chesty Cough Liquid 100ml - the natural way to tackle chesty coughs in both children and adults! Say goodbye to pesky phlegm with this non-drowsy formula that helps loosen and expel excess mucus, all without any alcohol, sugar, or coloring.

Suitable for children as young as 2 years old, this chesty cough liquid is a safe and effective solution for clearing chest congestion. The secret lies in its powerful ingredient - 35mg of Dried Ivy Leaf Extract Powder (Hedera Helix Leaves Extract Powder) per 5ml!

To use, simply follow the recommended dosage: 5ml, 3 times a day for those above 12 years old; 5ml, 2 times a day for ages 6-12; and 2.5ml, 2 times a day for 2-5 year olds. Don't let chesty coughs hold you or your loved ones back - try DURO-TUSS Herbal Chesty Cough Liquid today and breathe easy again!

Leftose Syrup 0.5-Percent (Kids) 100Ml

Leftose Syrup 0.5-Percent Kids 100Ml

If you are looking for a cough syrup for kids, Leftose Syrup 0.5-Percent (Kids) 100Ml is a 2-in-1 remedy that dissolves phlegm and soothes sore throats.

Leftose contains purified lysozyme, a natural enzyme derived from egg white. Leftose thins and breaks down clingy phlegm from air passage walls, making it easier to cough the phlegm out.

Sore throat is often the result of throat inflammation. Leftose helps to reduce the inflammation, and hence, pain, swelling and throat discomfort are relieved.

Dosage: Less than 2 years old: 3-6ml; 2-6 years old: 6-8ml; 7-14 years old: 8-12ml; These doses should be given in three daily divided doses.

Poon Goor Soe Pei Pa Lo 100 ML

Poon Goor Soe Pei Pa Lo 100 ML

Poon Goor Soe Pei Pa Lo 100 ML is a herbal preparation traditionally used for the relief of cough and cold as well as for the soothing of a sore throat.

African Sea Coconut Cough Mixture 177 ML

African Sea Coconut Cough Mixture 177 ML

The African Sea Coconut Cough Mixture 177 ML relieves cough caused by various factors, like the cold or throat irritation.

In addition to soothing the irritated throat, it loosens the phlegm and enables a faster cough relief. Highly recommended for every household.

Kaloba Syrup Eps 7630 100Ml

Kaloba Syrup Eps 7630 100Ml

Hey there! Have you heard of Kaloba Syrup? This stuff might be able to help out your immune system and provide relief from some of those pesky cold symptoms like coughing, acute bronchitis, and sinusitis.

The best part is that it's non-drowsy, sugar-free, alcohol-free, and has no coloring. So you won't have to worry about feeling groggy or getting a sugar rush.

If you're an adult or over 12 years old, the recommended dose is 7.5 ml three times a day. Kids between 6-12 years old should take 5 ml three times a day, and for the little ones between 1-5 years old, the dose is 2.5 ml three times a day.

So if you're dealing with a cold or cough, give Kaloba Syrup a try and see if it provides some relief for you!

Prospan Forte Cough Syrup(Adults) 100ml

Prospan Forte Cough Medicine(Adults) 100ml

Yo, have you tried Prospan Forte Cough Medicine? It's designed for adults and has some sweet benefits. The active ingredient is Ivy Leaves Dry Extract, which is pretty cool.

First off, this stuff has a pleasant taste and won't leave you feeling drowsy. Plus, it's sugar-free, alcohol-free, and has no colorings, so it's a healthier option.

The medicine can help you out by dissolving mucus, relaxing airways, and relieving coughs. It also has anti-inflammatory properties which can be helpful if you're dealing with inflammation.

So if you're feeling under the weather and need some relief from your cough, give Prospan Forte a shot. It might just do the trick!

Duro-Tuss Herb Dry Cough Liquid (Marshmallow) 100ml

Duro-Tuss Herb Dry Cough Liquid (Marshmallow) 100ml

Say goodbye to pesky dry coughs with DURO-TUSS® Herbal Dry Cough Liquid! This powerful formula guards respiratory passages, alleviates throat discomfort, and calms irritation, leaving you feeling soothed and relieved.

Containing Marshmallow Root Extract, this liquid can form a protective layer to ease scratchy throats and inflamed airways. Best of all, it's alcohol-free, colorant-free, and non-sedating, making it a safe and effective choice for individuals as young as 3 years old.

Each 15ml of DURO-TUSS® Herbal Dry Cough Liquid packs a punch with 1000mg of Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) Root, equivalent to 250mg of Marshmallow Root Extract, plus 27mg of Sodium Benzoate as a preservative. So why suffer through dry coughs any longer? Try DURO-TUSS® Herbal Dry Cough Liquid today and experience the relief you deserve!

Can I buy cough syrup in Singapore?

it is not advisable to self-medicate a cough that lasts more than three weeks, especially when “there are symptoms

To get the correct medicine for your cough, it will be best to get a prescription from your local general practitioner or clinic. With a prescription on hand, you can then get your medication from your local pharmacies, polyclinics or public hospitals in Singapore.

Best Mosquito Repellent Singapore

4 Best Mosquito Repellent Singapore

If you are someone that love outdoor activities like picnic, hiking or visiting secluded islands near Singapore, it is better to bring some mosquito repellent along.

The best mosquito repellent should be able to protect you against various mosquitoes bites and is gentle on your skin.

You also want to avoid getting dengue fever or malaria as the tropical weather in Singapore is perfect for mosquitos breeding.

Here are some mosquito repellent that you can find in Medic Drugstore.

1. Tiger Balm Mosquito Repellent Spray 60ml

Tiger Balm Mosquito Repellent Spray 60ml

An essential companion for the great outdoors, Tiger Balm Mosquito Repellent Spray uses a unique blend of the Tiger Balm formula and citronella oil to keep you safe from mosquito bites.

  • Prevents mosquito bites
  • DEET free, safe to use
  • 60ml spray bottle

2. Moskito Guard Face and Body Lotion Repellent 75ml

Moskito Guard Face and Body Lotion Repellent 75ml

Moskito Guard Face and Body Lotion Repellent 75ml is clinically proven to provide 8-hr protection against mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, horse and sand flies.

Protects you against zika, dengue, chikungunya, malaria, yellow fever, Lyme disease etc. The combination of Icaridin, a repellent of the latest generation, and a waterproof effect agent offers long-term protection in tropical and temperate zones.

Its unique milk-based and alcohol-free formulation is gentle on skin whilst providing moisturizing benefits and may be used in children aged 24 months and above. Tested against Aedes Mosquitoes.

Non-Toxic. Non-Greasy. DEET-free. Waterproof. Pleasant smell. The product is not toxic to fish, birds or pets.

Spray and apply evenly to all exposed parts of the skin. Avoid applicant on mucous membranes and open skin. Repeat after every 8 hours, more often if swimming for long periods or in very high humidity. .

Avoid contact with eyes and lips.

3. NeutriCare All Natural Mosquito Repellent Patch 12S

NeutriCare All Natural Mosquito Repellent Patch 12S

NeutriCare All Natural Mosquito Repellent Patch 12S contains natural essential oils of Citronella and Lemon Eucalyptus.

The combination provides excellent natural protection against Aedes, Anopheles and Culex species of mosquitos widely known as transmitting vectors of Dengue fever, Zika virus, and Malaria.

Provides long lasting protection up to 12 hours. DEET Free.

Safe for infants & children. Ideal for both indoor and outdoor use. Directions: Tear off protection film and attach the adhesive side of the patch to your clothes or a location near you.

4. Antimos Repellent Pack of 4

Antimos Repellent Pack of 4

Antimos Repellent Pack of 4 is a new revolutionary repellent which uses a non-toxic formula to effectively repel both mosquitoes and cockroaches. It is a one-stop solution against dengue and cockroaches.

Safe, effective, affordable, portable and practical to use for your family.

Best Multivitamin For Men Over 70

4 Best Multivitamin For Men Over 70 Singapore

Due to healthy eat habits and lifestyle, average life expectancy for men in Singapore was about 81.5 years on average. However, as you get older, your body may not be able to absorb nutrients as a natural consequence of age or because of medications you take.

The best multivitamin for men over 70 is able to supplement any gaps in nutrients where you need them and also boost your energy levels.

Here are some multivitamin for men over 70 that you can find in Medic Drugstore.

1. WellCare Advance Multivitamin with Minerals 60s

WellCare Advance Multivitamin with Minerals 60s

If you are looking for a multivitamin for your grandpa or dad over 70, the WellCare Advance Multivitamin with Minerals will be their ultimate health and energy booster.

It contains 28 essential vitamins and minerals easily plugging any micronutrient gaps and supports and maintains healthy physiological functions to boost overall health.

The Unique formulation contains vitamins to help meet their recommended daily allowances

  • A, B’s, C, D, E
    Contains antioxidants that protects cells fromfree radical damage
  • Lycopene
  • Lutein
  • Tocopherol
  • Ascorbic acid
    Contains trace elements at the right strengths
  • Iron, Iodine, Zinc
  • Phosphorous, Magnesium, Manganese
  • Nickel, Silicon, Copper

You will just need 1 tablet a day with meals to get the multivitamins needed.

2. Immuvital The Original Swiss Formula 100s

Immuvital The Original Swiss Formula 100s

One of the best multivitamins for men over 70, Immuvital The Original Swiss Formula Multivitamin Mineral Supplement contains Korean Ginseng and other important Antioxidants.

IMMUVITAL was developed to boost vitality, help assist the immune system and maintain physical and mental energy (based on the latest findings in Science and is recommended for active adults and seniors).

It helps to boost daily energy because it contains two standardized and stabilized Korean and Siberian Ginseng extracts and all necessary vitamins and minerals in optimum dosages.

In addition to the above mentioned important ingredients, IMMUVITAL contains all the essential vitamins and minerals in optimum dosages for proper absorption, including Beta-Carotene, Vitamins E and C, Selenium, Copper, Manganese and Zinc to help prevent unhealthy oxidation by free radicals in the body.

With today's urban lifestyles, we are exposed to inadequate nutrition, air pollution, stress, etc. As you age, the human body does not get enough of these important substances that are required by the body.

Immuvital The Original Swiss Formula Multivitamin Mineral Supplement is the perfect gift that you can consider getting for your elders.

Dosage: 2 soft gels first 2-3 weeks at start of first daily meal; 1 soft gel daily thereafter.

3. Centrum Advance For Men 50+ 60s

Centrum Advance for Men 50+ 60s

Based on nutritional science, the new Centrum For Men 50+ has a comprehensive range of 23 essential vitamins and minerals plus 3 other antioxidants to help fill in any nutritional gaps.

This optimised formula contain key nutrients, chosen based on scientific evidence to support the specific needs of men over 50.

Centrum products are manufactured to high pharmaceutical standards in state-of-the-art facilities, and undergo more than 30 individual tests before being made available to consumers.

4. SURBEX Zinc 60 Tablets

SURBEX Zinc 60 Tablets

Surbex Zinc has been specially formulated to keep active bodies fuelled with the right types of minerals and vitamins.

Each tablet has 15mg of zinc to support the immune system and maintain mental alertness. It also has vitamin B Complex to aid energy production, vitamin C to give support to the immune system, vitamin E to combat free radical damage and folic acid for the support of cardiovascular health.

Indication: As a health supplement. Adult dose: 1 tablet once daily after food or as directed by physicians.

Best Sore Throat Spray Singapore

6 Best Sore Throat Spray Singapore

There are definitely many options when it comes to resolving the irritating sore throat pain. The most common ways are using lozenges or natural remedies like gargling your throat with warm water and salt.

However, sometimes the pain can be so bad that you may need something to lessen the pain on a frequent basis. The best sore throat spray helps kills germs that may cause sore throat and prevents germs from multiplying.

Of course having plenty of rest and fluids and avoiding oily and heaty food will help you to recover much faster.

Here are some sore throat spray that you can find in medic drugstore.

1. Betadine Sore Throat Spray 50ML

Betadine Sore Throat Spray 50ML

One of the most popular brand out there, BETADINE Sore Throat Spray is a spray that kills germs that cause sore throat.

It contains povidone-iodine, which is an antiseptic agent that kills germs that may cause sore throat and prevents germs from multiplying.

Besides sore throat, it also helps to treat throat inflammation and irritation. Use it for protection and symptomatic relief of sore throat and mouth ulcers.

Directions for use: Spray to the affected area several times a day (every 3-4 hours). Suitable for Children above the age of 6 years.

Pre-Caution: In rare instance of sensitivity, discontinue treatment and consult a physician. Contraindications: Sensitivity to iodine. Hyperthyroidism.

2. Popikuru Povidone Iodine Throat Spray (Cool & Cool) 30ml

Popikuru Povidone Iodine Throat Spray Cool & Cool 30ml

Popikuru Povidone Iodine Throat Spray (Cool & Cool) 30ml is another effective throat spray that can relieve your sore throat issue.

It helps in throat chapping, discomfort, hoarseness or any pain and swelling caused by the inflammation of throat.

Do note that this product may not be suitable for the following persons and should consult doctor or pharmacist before administration:

  • Pregnant women
  • Nursing mothers
  • Patients who have drug allergies
  • Persons with mouth ulcers
  • Persons diagnosed as having Thyroid diseases.

Ingredients (per 30mL):
Povidone Iodine 135mg, Additives: Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Ethanol, Potassium Iodide, L-Menthol

Pre Cautions: This product should not be taken by persons with allergic symptoms to this product or its ingredients. This is not for long-term use.

3. Germidine Sore Throat Spray 50ml

Germidine Sore Throat Spray 50ml

Similar to the 2 previously recommended throat spray, Germidine Sore Throat Spray is a fast acting and broad spectrum microbicidal spray, recommended for protection and symptomatic relief of sore throat and mouth ulcers.

It is also useful for oral hygiene prior to, during and after dental and oral surgery.

Some common uses for this throat spray includes:

  • Relief from throat chapping, swelling and pain.
  • Relief from throat discomfort and hoarseness.
  • Antiseptic spray for throat inflammation and infection.
  • Convenient and quick relief from sore throat symptoms.

When using, direct the nozzle toward the affected area of the throat. Spray 1 or 2 times in the affected area. Repeat every 3-4 hours, when needed.

4. NZ Health Naturally Propolis Spray 30ML

NZ Health Naturally Propolis Spray 30ML

NZ Health Naturally Propolis Spray is a top-notch product, crafted with the finest ingredients. Made using only the freshest propolis sourced directly from the beehive, this spray is a true powerhouse of benefits. It is specifically designed to soothe sore throats and improve oral hygiene, making it the perfect addition to your daily health routine.

Not only does it have natural antibacterial properties, but it also boasts a rich concentration of natural flavonoids that work as powerful antioxidants. These flavonoids are known to help boost your immune system, making you better equipped to face the daily challenges life throws your way.

To use this amazing product, simply spray 4 to 6 times into your mouth as needed. In no time at all, you'll feel its soothing effects, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. So why wait? Experience the power of nature and start using NZ Health Naturally Propolis Spray today!

5. Kobayashi Nodogle Spray 15ml For Sore Throat

Kobayashi Nodogle Spray 15ml

The KOBAYASHI Nodogle Throat Spray is a cutting-edge product, designed to help you tackle throat discomfort with ease. Equipped with an extra-long nozzle, this spray ensures optimal sterilization and disinfection, making it a must-have in your health and wellness kit.

Do you often suffer from throat discomfort due to cold, dry air, dust, or air pollution? The KOBAYASHI Nodogle Throat Spray is here to help. Its moisturizing and refreshing formula works to soothe and hydrate your throat, providing instant relief from discomfort. The condensed mint liquid not only eliminates discomfort but also provides a pleasant cooling sensation that leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

The spray is designed to reach even the back of your mouth, making it a breeze to use. Unlike other throat sprays that may contain medicinal ingredients or drugs, the KOBAYASHI Nodogle Throat Spray is made with non-medicinal ingredients and doesn't contain any drug substances, making it a safe and natural solution for your throat discomfort.

So why suffer in silence? Experience the power of nature and start using the KOBAYASHI Nodogle Throat Spray today!

6. Popikuru Povidone Iodine Throat Spray Menthol 30ml

Popikuru Povidone Iodine Throat Spray Menthol 30ml

KOBAYASHI Nodogle Throat Spray is a specially formulated product, designed to provide relief from throat discomfort and inflammation. Whether you're suffering from throat chapping, hoarseness, pain, or swelling, this powerful spray is here to help.

Each 30 mL bottle contains 135 mg of Povidone Iodine and a blend of effective additives, including Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Ethanol, Potassium Iodide, and L-Menthol. These ingredients work together to provide fast, effective relief from throat discomfort.

It's important to note that this product should not be used by individuals with allergies to its ingredients. Additionally, it is not intended for long-term use and should be used with caution. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, those with drug allergies, and individuals with mouth ulcers or thyroid diseases should consult with their doctor or pharmacist before using this product.

So, if you're looking for a fast, effective solution for throat discomfort, look no further than KOBAYASHI Nodogle Throat Spray!

Does throat spray help with sore throat?

Throat sprays can help to relieve the symptoms of a sore throat. Some throat sprays contain anesthetic ingredients that numb the pain, while others contain antimicrobial agents that can help to fight off the bacteria or virus that may be causing the sore throat.

Others can include moisturizing ingredients to help to soothe the soreness and dryness in the throat. However, it's important to note that not all sore throats are caused by the same underlying condition and therefore, results may vary and it's important to speak with a healthcare professional if symptoms persist.

5 Important tips before using a throat spray

  1. Spray the product into the back of your throat, as directed, and avoid spraying it onto the tongue or into the eyes.
  2. Always read and follow the instructions on the label of your throat spray.
  3. Wait at least 15 minutes after eating or drinking before using the throat spray.
  4. Avoid using throat spray for more than the recommended number of doses per day, or for longer than the recommended duration of use.
  5. If your sore throat persists or becomes worse after using a throat spray, consult a healthcare professional.
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